Actor Shahid Kapoor doesn't want to talk about Kunal Kohli's film for which he was shooting in London, but says he plays three different characters in the yet untitled movie."I don't want to speak much about the film but it has three different characters," Shahid told reporters at a radio station in Mumbai on Wednesday.After "Kaminey", Shahid has once again teamed up with Priyanka Chopra in the movie.Right now the young actor is geared up to promote his much-awaited movie "Mausam", which marks the directorial debut of his father and acclaimed actor Pankaj Kapur."Mausam", a love story releasing Sep 16, will see Shahid romancing Sonam Kapoor."The world surrounding 'Mausam' and its feel is totally different. 'Mausam' is not another run-of-the-mill film. It has a different story and even the story telling is unique," he said."The USP of 'Mausam' is that it's a journey. One side where you are going to see the innocence of Punjab and entertaining atmosphere, the other side will show you a matured air force officer and then it moves forward to some other level," he added.
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