Bollywood stars have taken strong objection to the communal remarks made by Emraan Hashmi. The Serial Kisser had alleged that he was denied an NOC to purchase a flat in the Nibbana Housing society in the Bandra locality because he was a Muslim. Although his god father Mahesh Bhatt stood in support for the Murder star top Bollywood stars have criticised him for his remarks.
Buzz up!Salman slammed Emraan's comments and said had religious profiling happened in this country Emraan Hashmi would not have been a star. He added that the testament to the secular nature of this country is the stardom that he, Shahrukh and Aamir have achieved. He said that such an incident could have happened due to Emraan's individual character rather than his religious beliefs. Salman however appealed to the housing society to give and NOC to Emraan.
Shahrukh brushed aside the issue stating that such incidents should not be given importance. He said that in the past 44 years he had never felt discriminated in his life. Shahrukh also said that it was an one-off incident and should not be seen with communal eyes. Shahrukh added that India was growing because people had overcome the barriers of religion, castes, class in their hearts and minds.
Buzz up!Salman slammed Emraan's comments and said had religious profiling happened in this country Emraan Hashmi would not have been a star. He added that the testament to the secular nature of this country is the stardom that he, Shahrukh and Aamir have achieved. He said that such an incident could have happened due to Emraan's individual character rather than his religious beliefs. Salman however appealed to the housing society to give and NOC to Emraan.
Shahrukh brushed aside the issue stating that such incidents should not be given importance. He said that in the past 44 years he had never felt discriminated in his life. Shahrukh also said that it was an one-off incident and should not be seen with communal eyes. Shahrukh added that India was growing because people had overcome the barriers of religion, castes, class in their hearts and minds.