Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra, who is shooting for her upcoming film "Pyaar Impossible" in Bangkok, went overboard with her adventurous streak when she decided to dive into a swimming pool from a four-storey film board just to have fun. "Priyanka jumped from a four-storey flip board into a 40 feet swimming pool while she was shooting in Bangkok for 'Pyaar Impossible'. It wasn't a part of the movie shoot but just for fun, " a source from the sets of the Yash Raj Films' project told. Actor Uday Chopra, who is cast opposite Priyanka in the movie, followed suit but ended up hurting himself. "Uday also jumped from the same height and injured his hand. It was a fun thing - just a side activity that they were doing, " the source added. "Pyaar Impossible" is a romantic comedy story of a nerdy, awkward, socially challenged and bespectacled geek and a beautiful girl. The movie is Jugal Hansraj's second directorial after "Roadside Romeo". The movie went on floors in April and is due to release towards the end of the year.
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