A scantily dressed Katy Perry showed up at the 2010 Nickelodeon's Awards accompanied by her usual entourage and showing more breast than a Boston Market chicken.
At this point we're used to seeing Katy Perry's cleavage all over the place, but this weekend there was something quite unique about the busty singer: she had a guy's hand up her ass. Literally.
Katy was apparently experiencing some sort of outfit malfunction and one of her assistants had to dig up there and correct the situation. After the dude spent like 5 minutes at it, we gotta wonder if he was enjoying it that much or if something had gotten lost up in her rear end.
At this point we're used to seeing Katy Perry's cleavage all over the place, but this weekend there was something quite unique about the busty singer: she had a guy's hand up her ass. Literally.
Katy was apparently experiencing some sort of outfit malfunction and one of her assistants had to dig up there and correct the situation. After the dude spent like 5 minutes at it, we gotta wonder if he was enjoying it that much or if something had gotten lost up in her rear end.